Full bags, that's the ticket. Having been willing to rest the field for two days since I first saw the birds return, John, Casey, two of Casey's buddies, and myself slipped back into Charles' field this morning. Temp's hovered in the upper 30's. NNE winds at 7 m.p.h. Heavy cloud cover and fog. Had to flap up, but we won. Emerged about 10:00 with 5 limits.
30 Birds
13 Gadwall
5 Teal
7 Shovelers
5 Mallards
You'll have to forgive me. It's been a few days since my last confession. On Sunday afternoon, John, Blake, and I tried to fool 'em again on the south treeline on Amy's. Didn't work, but we managed to scratch out 8 birds.
8 Birds
5 Mallards
2 Gadwall
1 Shoveler
Saturday, December 29, was a trip. We claimed to have scouted, but we obviously didn't do a very good job. At 1:30, John & I drove around the farm, but found only a few scattered birds in the middle of Amy's. What we did see, however, were droves of dove along the road next to Ray's field, so John and Blake drove back home and grabbed dove loads. I killed three, for the record. However, as the first shot rang out, John shouted and pointed to the South, and I saw a virtual cloud of ducks rise off the South end of Amy's field. We thus went back to the shop, regrouped, and came back with reinforcements. We set on the treeline and started in on 'em at 3:30. It was over well before shooting hours went out. John, Blake, Dave, David, Tasha, and I.
37 Ducks
16 Mallards
14 Shovelers
5 Gadwalls
1 Green Wing
1 Wigeon
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