I spoke to Dead Eye this morning, who has opted out of the opener, and given that Jake & Red are out as well, I am impressed that the line-up will be as follows: the Kid, Meredith, Danger Dave, J-Hawk, Tasha, Blind Dog Willie, the Don, yours truly, and, of course, Cannon Ball (singular). That's 8, and the Home Field blind should be sufficient to hold us all. Three days and counting!
On a personal note, having made it through 3 rounds of the H1N1 virus confirmed in my household and come out unscathed, it is only appropriate that I have now developed the worst upper-respiratory infection of my life, and 4 days before opening day, to boot. For my efforts, I've been rewarded with a mind-numbing headache and one whizbang of a nasty cough. Oh and speaking of WHIZBANG, check out the video below (and when your done, tell me that wasn't one of the nicest segue's you've ever had the privilege of reading). It WILL be mine . . . Oh yes, it will be mine.