We hoped for sunny weather and a few birds early that would give us a chance to save face. What we got was 20 m.p.h. winds, with gusts to 30, dense clouds, and mild temps. Doesn't sound promising, does it?
Well, it was. I can't tell you exactly how it came about and I certainly don't have anything resembling a rational explanation for the matter, but the birds descended upon our blind from daylight right up to the point when we called her quits. Fred, J-Hawk, Willie, Danger Dave, Dead-Eye, Blake, Tasha, Meredith, & ole Gibby traipsed into the Homer this morning for a hunt that truly exceeded expectations. When the smoke cleared, 54 ducks and 1 speck came over for dinner. Official time of death was 8:25, and because we carried out 9 limits on a field where we didn't expect to drop 5 in, we considered it a very pleasant surprise.
Its official, the 2011-2012 season is in full-swing.
Quality was different matter altogether. Simply put, that's just a topic we'd rather not discuss in detail.
13 Greenwings
3 Mallards
3 Gadwall
1 Speck
35 Shovelers