Well, it's been we'll over 5 years since Gaylon built the 60 acre reservoir that borders the Baser Field, and its been every bit that long since the retards that hunt it every day left the birds alone long enough for us to get a few in there. So today, joined by my buddies from the Northeast, I made a very reminiscent journey back to what was, at one time, my very favorite blind. It was my favorite for a reason.
The venue is small. Levees are tightly packed, one on top of another, and secluded from the fringes of the field. The beauty of the setup is that working birds have only 2 choices: pitch into the blocks or get the heck outta dodge. Today, we saw a little of both. Decent day, nonetheless.
20 Ducks
6 Mallards
3 scaup
3 pintails
1 Grey duck