I never cease to be amazed at the mambie pambies that whine each year that torrents of rain don't fall just before season opens. "We need water." "Hope we get lots of water." "If we don't get some water, the ducks will pass the state and head on South." Blah, blah, blah . . .
Well, we got water. Buckets of it. And for all those idiots that were whining about needing water in the woods, they'll not be able to stand in the woods when season re-opens on Thursday. The Cache @ Patterson now stands a mere 6" below the 3rd highest recorded crest in history, and you'd better believe she'll keep rising for a week.
I threw a walleye'd fit when we got the 9" of rain that fell just before season opened. Add the additional 2" that fell during the first split and the 6" that we got this weekend, and we've pretty much got ducks scattered over a 1,000,000 square acre area. Not a good thing when you're trying to pinpoint concentrated pockets of birds. Tis certainly a lemon, but as always, we'll make lemonade.
As for the farm, it looks like an ocean. Will post pics later. Big Creek obviously broke somewhere, although I haven't the slightest clue where. The pump is broken, and all our pits are brimming full, I'm sure. Tomorrow will be a labor, for sure. We'll have to drain pits, find decoys that are probably scattered all over creation, stop up levees, and try to find some ducks in the process. Only God knows what we'll be doing for the opener on Thursday. Thus far, I'm battin' 1,000 on getting everything I DIDN'T ask for, save, of course, the dreaded broken creek bank on the Homer, which I am truly thankful didn't happen.