Now, let me preface the following thought with my moral convictions: I don't support the legalization of pot in my home state, nor do I endorse the use of chemical substances as coping mechanisms. However, what I do endorse is the rebellion of states against the tyranny of our present federal system. At least 4 states passed laws last Tuesday which run in direct defiance of federal laws. Regardless of the merits of those laws, I'm romantically in love with the though that those states are standing up and sticking it to the man. Fact is, for decades our federal government has brushed the mandates of our 10th Amendment under the rug and acted as if it has the authority to draw whatever lines it chooses. What I'm hoping is that this is a trend which will continue to a place of logical absurdity. In summary, it is entirely possible that the election of this retard may fuel a fire that actually prompts the nation to take the stand that Thomas Jefferson so passionately hoped we would. That would be the epitomy of the silver lining in a very dark cloud.
I know what you're thinking: "so what does any of that have to do with the Trigger Happy Hunting Club?" I'm glad you asked! The point is, that our country is at a decidely unforseen and unpredictible crossroads, and the events that will transpire in the short-term future will ensure that the end result could be either very good, or very bad. It's certainly uncertain at this point.
As always, my predictions for the 2012-2013 duck season are much the same. We've got birds, and lots of 'em. The Memphis Blind is a nullity at this point, because the early water prompted the mass influx of birds to feed through what was left of our soybean crop in less than a week. The place has simply been ripped to shreads. Were it not for the fact that I'm shooting 'em out twice a day, the fate of the Lost 20 would be no different. And then there is Chuck's. Ahhh . . . the beloved promised land. She's brimming with gadwalls, wigeon, pin's, teal, shovelers, and mallards. Not much water, and the creek is bone dry.
Now, I haven't the first drop of water on Amy's, Baser, GW's, Ray's, the Shop, etc. Where there's water, there are ducks. Where there is no water, it's a wasteland. Hold on . . . I'm getting to a point.
The point is, if I can get water to the blind on Chuck's, the sun shines, and the weather conditions stay EXACTLY as they are now, it could be awesome. If we get storms, if we get big rains, if it gets extremely cold, or if it is cloudy for the opener, all could be lost. Like our political climate, the duck climate is volitile and speculative. Certainly uncertain.
Below are a few pic's of Chucks, as it is now:
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