We've crossed the 600 mark. Today Olivia, Jordan, & I hunted the South line of Chuck's. Granted, the weatherman screwed it up again, but things came out okay. Skies were crystal clear, as predicted, but the WSW winds that were supposed to blow at 5-10 actually turned out to be NW winds at 10-15. Not good when you're standing directly north of a small forest. One way or another, it was a beautiful day, and we whittled-out 8 of 'em by the time we were done.
8 Ducks, All Mallards
607 For the Season
433 in Charles' Field
348 Mallards Total
Wednesday, January 26, Jordan, John, Papa, and I gave Marvin's a try. We shot 10 mallards from a levee blind, but only retrieved 9, despite sincere attempts to find the 10th. Decent shoot.
9 Ducks, All Mallards
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