You may have expected a philosopical reflection and sweeping discourse regarding how the ups and downs of a long, hard-fought battle relate to those deeper issues affecting our lives. Hmmmm . . . if that's the case, you're gonna be extremely disappointed. Those deep reflections are for seasons that sucked. The fact is, this season was so good that it is hard to remember the best hunts, i.e., it was so good that the days all seem to melt together and its hard to put your finger on a single win. Sure, there was the day that we carried out 4 limits of mallards 20 minutes after hours came in. Then there was the day that we fought 40 m.p.h. winds and smoked the gaddies. Of course, watching my daughter take her first solo on the wing was pretty special too. My point is this: This season rocked, and on seasons that rock, you don't get heart-felt reflections -- you get statistics. And here's how it came out:
Total Body Count: 665 (that'd be a record)
Total Ducks Harvested: 587
Total Geese Harvested: 78
Total Mallards: 356
Total Gadwall: 131
Total Shovelers: 59
Total Other Species: 41
By Location:
Charles' Field: 444
298 Mallards
62 Gadwall
47 shovelers
12 Pins
11 Specks
5 Wigeon
3 Snows
2 Teal
2 Scaup
2 Canadas
Home Field: 150
69 Gadwall
32 Mallards
15 Specks
12 Shovelers
9 Green Wings
6 Wigeon
3 Wood Ducks
2 Pintails
2 Snow Geese
2 Snow Geese
43 Snow Geese
2 Specks
Big Creek
11 Mallards
9 Mallards
9 Mallards
* Mallards 356
* Gadwall 131
* Wigeon 11
* Pintail 14
* Green Wing 11
* Blue Wing 0
* Wood Duck 03
* Northern Shoveler 59
* Redhead 0
* White-Front 28
* Snow Goose 48
* Canada 2
* Goldeneye
* Ringneck
* Buffelhead
* Canvasback 0
* Merganser 0
* Black Duck
* Scaup 2
Monday, January 31, 2011
In With A Bang . . . Out With A Whisper
In our minds, the closing weekend would begin and end with a flurry of steel shot hurled skyward at throngs of fluttering birds in groups of fifty or better. In reality, we saw the close of the 2010-2011 season from the tailgate of Jordan's Toyota, but it was probably fitting.
Friday, John, Jordan, Blake, Papa, & I reluctantly returned to the pit blind on Charles'. It was slow, but we eeked out 6 mallards, 2 shovelers, and 1 snow before we left. That afternoon, Jordan took another 2 mallards out of the creek.
11 Birds.
8 Mallards
2 Shovelers
1 Snow Goose
On Saturday, Tash, Dave, Jordan, Blake, Haun, & I made our final trek to Charles' field. We had fairly low expectations, so when the mallards failed to show we weren't terribly disappointed. We were, however, pleasently surprised when a pair of greater Canadas worked into the spread. We invited both of 'em over for dinner, and they accepted our invitation with a thud.
On Sunday, Jordan, John, Blake & I, unable to find suitable working ducks, opted instead for a short stalk on some snows. It was a decent take, and when we left we had an additional 45 in our bag.
For the Weekend:
47 Birds
43 Snows
02 White-fronted Geese
02 Canada Geese

Friday, John, Jordan, Blake, Papa, & I reluctantly returned to the pit blind on Charles'. It was slow, but we eeked out 6 mallards, 2 shovelers, and 1 snow before we left. That afternoon, Jordan took another 2 mallards out of the creek.
11 Birds.
8 Mallards
2 Shovelers
1 Snow Goose
On Saturday, Tash, Dave, Jordan, Blake, Haun, & I made our final trek to Charles' field. We had fairly low expectations, so when the mallards failed to show we weren't terribly disappointed. We were, however, pleasently surprised when a pair of greater Canadas worked into the spread. We invited both of 'em over for dinner, and they accepted our invitation with a thud.
On Sunday, Jordan, John, Blake & I, unable to find suitable working ducks, opted instead for a short stalk on some snows. It was a decent take, and when we left we had an additional 45 in our bag.
For the Weekend:
47 Birds
43 Snows
02 White-fronted Geese
02 Canada Geese
Thursday, January 27, 2011
It's Official:
We've crossed the 600 mark. Today Olivia, Jordan, & I hunted the South line of Chuck's. Granted, the weatherman screwed it up again, but things came out okay. Skies were crystal clear, as predicted, but the WSW winds that were supposed to blow at 5-10 actually turned out to be NW winds at 10-15. Not good when you're standing directly north of a small forest. One way or another, it was a beautiful day, and we whittled-out 8 of 'em by the time we were done.
8 Ducks, All Mallards
607 For the Season
433 in Charles' Field
348 Mallards Total

Wednesday, January 26, Jordan, John, Papa, and I gave Marvin's a try. We shot 10 mallards from a levee blind, but only retrieved 9, despite sincere attempts to find the 10th. Decent shoot.
9 Ducks, All Mallards
8 Ducks, All Mallards
607 For the Season
433 in Charles' Field
348 Mallards Total
Wednesday, January 26, Jordan, John, Papa, and I gave Marvin's a try. We shot 10 mallards from a levee blind, but only retrieved 9, despite sincere attempts to find the 10th. Decent shoot.
9 Ducks, All Mallards
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011, the Baker Boys rejoined Papa, J-Hawk, John, & I on Chuck's. I desperately wanted to hunt that South tree line again, as I am convinced that it would be where the ducks wanted. Unfortunately, 10 m.p.h. North-Northeast winds made us well aware that the south-line hunt wasn't going to happen, so we opted for the blind once again. It was good enough, and the first flock of birds that came in produced 3 dead on arrival, one of which was BANDED! Johnny got the band on a coin-toss, and the bag for the day included 11 Mallards, 1 shoveler, and 1 Speck.
13 Birds
11 Mallards
01 Speck
01 Shoveler
Season Total: 590
Mallards: 331
Charles' Field: 425 Birds
Home Field: 150 Birds
Amy's Field: 09 Birds

13 Birds
11 Mallards
01 Speck
01 Shoveler
Season Total: 590
Mallards: 331
Charles' Field: 425 Birds
Home Field: 150 Birds
Amy's Field: 09 Birds
Monday, January 24, 2011
If Ya Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em . . .
Monday, January 24, 2011, J-Hawk, Papa, & I were joined by the Baker Boys for another trip to Charles'. Once we had set the blocks and settled into the blind, we began to notice a slight trend developing: every duck that came by ignored us completely and flew directly to the south end of the field. Having had enough of that, we finally decided to join them on on the South line and throw out a new set. Good call, and although it took us until 11:15, we finally eeked out a limit of mallards. Good morning!
20 Ducks
All Mallards
577 for the season.
320 Mallards
412 In Charles' Field

20 Ducks
All Mallards
577 for the season.
320 Mallards
412 In Charles' Field
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
So . . . We Started Back Where We Left Off
Well, as we entered into the last 9-day split of season, the temps hovered in the mid-20's and the clouds refused to go away . . . until noon that is. Well, Olivia, Jordan, John, Gibby, and a mystery guest waited 'em out and didn't show up at Chuck's until 1:00 p.m. We got to the blind around 1:30, started hunting about 1:45, and walked out at 3:00 with 20 mallards. Not a bad way to kick off the last split!
20 Birds
All Mallards
540 for the season
375 in Charles'.

20 Birds
All Mallards
540 for the season
375 in Charles'.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Batten Down the Hatches Boys . . . It's a Crap Shoot!
Alrighty! We've a mere 9 days left in what has been the most glorious of seasons on Trigger Happy Farms. How will it end? Sky's the limit. We're looking at lows in the 20's tonight, which means we'll blow off tomorrow morning and shoot for thawing ice 'round 1:00 p.m. As for the rest of the week, looks like mainly low temps in the mid-to-upper 20's and highs in the mid-to-upper 30's. As for sun vs. clounds, it's too close to call, but in any event, I'm sayin on the front end that the weather man will control our destiny. If it thaws and the sun emerges, we'll most likely smoke 'em. If it's frozen and cloudy, we'll do good to shoot another 30 before the week's end. Either way, ole Gibby ain't gonna give 'em any rest between here and the end.
We need 4 ducks outta Chuck's to break the all-time number of ducks harvested in a single field.
We need 13 mallards to break the all-time number of mallards harvested in a season.
We need about 210 shovelers to break the all-time number of those for a season, but I don't think we'll achieve such success. Possible . . . but doubtful.
We need 4 ducks outta Chuck's to break the all-time number of ducks harvested in a single field.
We need 13 mallards to break the all-time number of mallards harvested in a season.
We need about 210 shovelers to break the all-time number of those for a season, but I don't think we'll achieve such success. Possible . . . but doubtful.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
They Say Records Are Made To Be Broken . . .
. . . so we smashed ours to pieces, lit 'em on fire, and spit on the ashes.
Not satisfied with the mediocrity of simply equaling the previous record on the farm, J-Hawk, Blake, & I eased down to Amy's yesterday afternoon to finish what we started. Lots of birds worked the dry field we were hunting, but the clouds made it impossible to hide. Nonetheless, J-Hawk smoked one off the Creek and we dusted another 3 in the rice field.
4 Ducks
All mallards.
We're officially 51 days into duck season, and as of yesterday afternoon (Monday, 17 Jan), we've smoked 520 birds WITHOUT LEAVING THE FARM A SINGLE TIME. I would assume it safe to say we presently have to set a new goal. The breakdown would be as follows:
Home Field -- 150 birds
Charles -- 355 birds
Amy's -- 9 birds
Big Creek -- 6 birds
Total harvest records:
Year: Total Harvest:
2010-2011 520
2007-2008 516
2001-2002 487
2009-2010 478
2008-2009 463
2002-2003 456
Record Mallard Harvests:
Year: Total Harvest
2001-2002 280
2010-2011 267
2003-2004 246
2000-2001 243
2007-2008 238
2002-2003 231
1999-2000 180
2005-2006 166
2006-2007 145
2009-2010 138
2008-2009 131
2004-2005 117
Highest Field Harvests
2009-2010 Home 358
2010-2011 Charles' 355
2002-2003 Baser 248
2008-2009 Charles' 214
2000-2001 Charles' 199
2002-2003 Charles' 181
2001-2002 Beedeville 175
2003-2004 Charles' 168
2007-2008 Home 136
2004-2005 Charles' 136
2006-2007 Charles' 114
2005-2006 Home 107
1999-2000 Home 68
Not satisfied with the mediocrity of simply equaling the previous record on the farm, J-Hawk, Blake, & I eased down to Amy's yesterday afternoon to finish what we started. Lots of birds worked the dry field we were hunting, but the clouds made it impossible to hide. Nonetheless, J-Hawk smoked one off the Creek and we dusted another 3 in the rice field.
4 Ducks
All mallards.
We're officially 51 days into duck season, and as of yesterday afternoon (Monday, 17 Jan), we've smoked 520 birds WITHOUT LEAVING THE FARM A SINGLE TIME. I would assume it safe to say we presently have to set a new goal. The breakdown would be as follows:
Home Field -- 150 birds
Charles -- 355 birds
Amy's -- 9 birds
Big Creek -- 6 birds
Total harvest records:
Year: Total Harvest:
2010-2011 520
2007-2008 516
2001-2002 487
2009-2010 478
2008-2009 463
2002-2003 456
Record Mallard Harvests:
Year: Total Harvest
2001-2002 280
2010-2011 267
2003-2004 246
2000-2001 243
2007-2008 238
2002-2003 231
1999-2000 180
2005-2006 166
2006-2007 145
2009-2010 138
2008-2009 131
2004-2005 117
Highest Field Harvests
2009-2010 Home 358
2010-2011 Charles' 355
2002-2003 Baser 248
2008-2009 Charles' 214
2000-2001 Charles' 199
2002-2003 Charles' 181
2001-2002 Beedeville 175
2003-2004 Charles' 168
2007-2008 Home 136
2004-2005 Charles' 136
2006-2007 Charles' 114
2005-2006 Home 107
1999-2000 Home 68
Monday, January 17, 2011
Its a TIE!!!!!
So, we're at 516 dead ducks for the season. Just so you'll know, that's a tie for the highest number of ducks we've killed over the course of any given regular season, ever. We hoped to break that record today, but it just wouldn't happen.
For the season, that's 516. 150 of 'em came from the Homer. 355 of 'em came from Chucks. We still haven't left the farm, and we've got 9 days left to break records.
John, Jordan, Blake, Garett & I went back to Chucks and while foggy, we still did fairly well. Left with 14.
14 Ducks
9 Mallards
6 Gadwall.

Sunday morning, January 16, Jordan & I, along with a couple of guests who requested anonimity, hunted chucks and left with 9 birds. That afternoon, John, Jordan, Garett, Papa, Tasha & I went back. It was a good hunt. We killed another 18.
35 Ducks
32 Mallards
2 Lesser Scaup
1 Spoonbill.

For the season, that's 516. 150 of 'em came from the Homer. 355 of 'em came from Chucks. We still haven't left the farm, and we've got 9 days left to break records.
John, Jordan, Blake, Garett & I went back to Chucks and while foggy, we still did fairly well. Left with 14.
14 Ducks
9 Mallards
6 Gadwall.
Sunday morning, January 16, Jordan & I, along with a couple of guests who requested anonimity, hunted chucks and left with 9 birds. That afternoon, John, Jordan, Garett, Papa, Tasha & I went back. It was a good hunt. We killed another 18.
35 Ducks
32 Mallards
2 Lesser Scaup
1 Spoonbill.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Finally, Some Jewelry!
I ain't gonna lie . . . its been a while. I could be wrong, but I believe the last band I put on my lanyard was from 2008, which has been waaaaaay longer than it should have been. Ahh, but there's a new one on there today -- I took it right off a dead mallard drake's leg.
Started out by myself this afternoon, and the first pair of birds that came through the spread were in decent range, and the lead duck was a banded drake, which I reduced to possession in short order. However, when I popped the drake and moved off to the hen, I somehow missed the bird. Dunno how that happened, but it made me a little sad. Nonetheless, I made up for it on the next flock of about 2 dozen birds. Three shots, three dead ducks, and I was officially limited. I called a couple of buddies who asked that they remain nameless, and they came down to get a little action. One of the two guys popped the first 4 birds he shot at, and the second only got two before he had to return for business. Either way, we came out with 10 mallards and did it in less than two hours. Not a bad day. I'm sayin that thawing ice is a good place to be . . . hungry ducks are stupid ducks, and stupid ducks are my favorite kind. In at noon and out by two. Good day!
10 Mallards
Started out by myself this afternoon, and the first pair of birds that came through the spread were in decent range, and the lead duck was a banded drake, which I reduced to possession in short order. However, when I popped the drake and moved off to the hen, I somehow missed the bird. Dunno how that happened, but it made me a little sad. Nonetheless, I made up for it on the next flock of about 2 dozen birds. Three shots, three dead ducks, and I was officially limited. I called a couple of buddies who asked that they remain nameless, and they came down to get a little action. One of the two guys popped the first 4 birds he shot at, and the second only got two before he had to return for business. Either way, we came out with 10 mallards and did it in less than two hours. Not a bad day. I'm sayin that thawing ice is a good place to be . . . hungry ducks are stupid ducks, and stupid ducks are my favorite kind. In at noon and out by two. Good day!
10 Mallards
Monday, January 10, 2011
Back to the Grind
On Sunday, January 9, 2011, Olivia, John, Jordan & I tried the creek, but came out with skunks.
On Saturday, January 8, Blake, Jordan, Reece, Haun, Tasha, Gates, & I made our return to Chucks. We set up on the blind, but ducks were working the south line, so we moved the spread and went back to it. Unfortunately, it was to no avail. We left with only three birds. However, that afternoon, John & I took a stroll down the levee on Amy's and jumped a flock of birds, from which we killed an additional 5.
8 Ducks, All mallards.
Thursday, January 6, 2011, We did not hunt. On Friday, Jordan, John, & I set up a levee blind on Amy's and give our best attempt at a dry-land rice field hunt. Worked out well enough, and we should have taken limits, but we came out with only a half-dozen.
6 Birds, All Mallards
On Saturday, January 8, Blake, Jordan, Reece, Haun, Tasha, Gates, & I made our return to Chucks. We set up on the blind, but ducks were working the south line, so we moved the spread and went back to it. Unfortunately, it was to no avail. We left with only three birds. However, that afternoon, John & I took a stroll down the levee on Amy's and jumped a flock of birds, from which we killed an additional 5.
8 Ducks, All mallards.
Thursday, January 6, 2011, We did not hunt. On Friday, Jordan, John, & I set up a levee blind on Amy's and give our best attempt at a dry-land rice field hunt. Worked out well enough, and we should have taken limits, but we came out with only a half-dozen.
6 Birds, All Mallards
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
All By Me Onesy
Ever Wonder Where They Go?
. . . I know I sure do. A little rain, a little wind, and poof! No more ducks. Ahh well, it happens several times a year, every year. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. Either way, John, Jordan & I checked Chuck's on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 4, and although we worked a couple of flocks, we never drew a feather. Did enjoy some beautiful weather, though.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011, Blake, John, Jordan, Reece, Haun, & the Gipper took a morning trip to Chucks. It was slow, to say the least, and at 9:45 a.m. we had decided that we would call it a morning at 10:00 a.m. Our hope was to get from the 9 ducks we had to the 12 ducks we wanted to preclude dropping our average bird/day kill. Well, things got better. We left at noon with 36 birds, including 9 Mallards, 1 Gadwall, 6 Specks, and 20 Shovelers.
36 Birds
9 Mallards
6 Specks
1 Gawall
20 Shovelers
Total Harvest: 439
B.P.D. 11.86
23 Days of season left.
If we kill 3.3 birds each day between now and the end of season, we'll break the record for total birds harvested in a season. On the other hand, if we have three more days where we kill 26 or more, we'll break the record in 3 hunts.
36 Birds
9 Mallards
6 Specks
1 Gawall
20 Shovelers
Total Harvest: 439
B.P.D. 11.86
23 Days of season left.
If we kill 3.3 birds each day between now and the end of season, we'll break the record for total birds harvested in a season. On the other hand, if we have three more days where we kill 26 or more, we'll break the record in 3 hunts.
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