Unfortunately, the wheatherman didn't cooperate as well as we would have like for him to. Temps dropped into the low 20's and the farm was frozen for 3 days prior to the opener. On the other hand, I was encouraged by a phone call from Jordan, who said that the creek was packed with ducks. Having thoroughly scounted the vicinity, we decided to set up on the creek with Olivia, Bo, and Garrett. The ducks were still weary, but cooperated well enough for the gang to reduce two to possesion on Saturday morning.
Saturday afternoon, a glimmer of sunshine emerged for long enough to somewhat thaw the fields. We took the trio to Chuck's and they knocked down another 3 mallards and a gadwall, but only found the 2 of the mallards.
On Sunday morning, I took Olivia back to Charles' field, and while she got a few shots in, she never connected with a bird. On the way out of the field, having noticed the cackling of mallards on Gaylon's pond, we decided to stop by. As the birds flushed, Olivia got a shot off, a drake dropped, and ole Cannon was glad to fetch him from the icy waters. Twas a nice weekend, but I'm tired, and we're all glad its over for a while.
Weekend total: 5 Mallards.
Regular Season/Youth Combined: 670 Birds.
Charles' New Record:449 Birds (300 Mallards)
Home: 150
Baser: 45