. . . could'a been worse, I suppose. Another sunless day, another struggle. Day two five of us returned to the Home field blind, not by choice, but because it was the only place left to hunt. Rough times ahead! The shining moment Sunday morning was the outright extermination of a mallard hen at daylight by Olivia (age 9) and Garrett (age 10). Both ran their guns empty, and ducks died. Only 14 birds on Sunday.
Monday, Baker, Tayler, Papa & I, of course, went back to the Home field. Again, no sunshine. This time the bag went down to a mere five (5)Not a good starter.
3 Gadwall
2 Specks
Tuesday, November 23, day 4 of season, uhhhh, we went back to the Home field. It sucked.
2 Gadwall
Wednesday. Back to the Home field. Will it ever rain?????? SKUNK No. 1 for the season.
Thursday, thanksgiving day, it got worse.
2 Wood ducks
Friday, Skunk No. 2
Saturday, Skunk No. 3
Sunday. Sucked. 1 Greenwing teal
Season Totals:
B.P.D. = 4.89
44 Birds
12 Gadwall
10 Mallards
07 GWT
07 Shovelers
04 Specks
03 Woodies
01 Pintails