As of yesterday, we've hunted the Home Field 9 occasions this season, for a total of 136 birds, averaging 15.11 birds per day of hunting. Here's how it compares to past seasons:
Last year, it seemed like we hunted the Home Field every day for the first half of season. Kicker is, we killed a total of 89 ducks there, and that was out of a total of 463.
During 2007-2008's season, we hunted the Home Field a total of 19 times, and our total harvest was exactly 136 birds for the ENTIRE season, averaging 7.16 birds per hunt.
In 2006-2007, we didn't hunt the Home field.
In 2005-2006, we killed a total of 107 off the Home Field. Ironically, we killed 37 opening morning that year.
In 2004-2005, we killed a total of 9 birds in the Home Field.
In 2003-2004, we killed 36 in the Home Field.
In 2002-2003, we didn't hunt the Home Field
In 2001-2002, we killed 58 in the Home Field.
In 2000-2001, we didn't hunt the Home Field.
In 1999-2000, we killed 68 in the Home Field.
Now, here's where it gets a tad less interesting, but a bit more laborious: This season we've killed a grand total of 92 Shovelers, which accounts for 68% of our harvest, thus far. Ouch!
Last season, we killed a grand total of 76 shovelers out of 463 birds, accounting for 16% of our total harvest. Mallards, Wigeon, Gadwall, Teal, Pintails, and Woodies made up 60% of last year's harvest.
In 2000-2001, 37 of 403 harvested birds were shovelers, or 9%. For the record, 60.3% of our harvested birds were mallards, and we killed a grand total of 1 Speck and NO Snows that year.
In 2001-2002, 40 of 487 birds, or 8.2% of our harvest, were shovelers. 57% were Mallards.
In 2002-2003, 98 of 456 birds, or 21.5% of our harvest, were shovelers. 231, or 51% of the harvest was Mallards.
In 2003-2004, 48 of 435 harvested birds, or 11%, were shovelers. 246 of our 435 were Mallards.
During 2008-2009, we killed a grand total of 131 mallards, out of 463 birds harvested.
Things are obviously different than they used to be.