Monday, November 30, 2009


Alright, here's some interesting perspective on the Home Field and the way it stacks up on this particular year, as compared to those in the past.  You might find this interesting.

As of yesterday, we've hunted the Home Field 9 occasions this season, for a total of 136 birds, averaging 15.11 birds per day of hunting.  Here's how it compares to past seasons:

Last year, it seemed like we hunted the Home Field every day for the first half of season.  Kicker is, we killed a total of 89 ducks there, and that was out of a total of 463.

During 2007-2008's season, we hunted the Home Field a total of 19 times, and our total harvest was exactly 136 birds for the ENTIRE season, averaging 7.16 birds per hunt.

In 2006-2007, we didn't hunt the Home field.

In 2005-2006, we killed a total of 107 off the Home Field.  Ironically, we killed 37 opening morning that year.

In 2004-2005, we killed a total of 9 birds in the Home Field.

In 2003-2004, we killed 36 in the Home Field.

In 2002-2003, we didn't hunt the Home Field

In 2001-2002, we killed 58 in the Home Field.

In 2000-2001, we didn't hunt the Home Field.

In 1999-2000, we killed 68 in the Home Field.



Now, here's where it gets a tad less interesting, but a bit more laborious:  This season we've killed a grand total of 92 Shovelers, which accounts for 68% of our harvest, thus far.  Ouch!

Last season, we killed a grand total of 76 shovelers out of 463 birds, accounting for 16% of our total harvest.  Mallards, Wigeon, Gadwall, Teal, Pintails, and Woodies made up 60% of last year's harvest. 

In 2000-2001, 37 of 403 harvested birds were shovelers, or 9%. For the record, 60.3% of our harvested birds were mallards, and we killed a grand total of 1 Speck and NO Snows that year. 

In 2001-2002, 40 of 487 birds, or 8.2% of our harvest, were shovelers.  57% were Mallards. 

In 2002-2003, 98 of 456 birds, or 21.5% of our harvest, were shovelers231, or 51% of the harvest was Mallards

In 2003-2004, 48 of 435 harvested birds, or 11%, were shovelers246 of our 435 were Mallards. 

During 2008-2009, we killed a grand total of 131 mallards, out of 463 birds harvested. 

Things are obviously different than they used to be. 

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